Consulting - Engineering - Training
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Actor in development working for companies and administrations 
Conseil Santé in the World

Conseil Santé has carried out more than 150 assignments in over 40 countries.

Our clients

We have three types of client: governments, administrations and public bodies; multilateral and bilateral development funding agencies; hospital establishments.

Our teams

Conseil Santé employs several hundred senior and junior experts of various nationalities, the vast majority of whom are technical specialists.

Supporting development

Conseil Santé is a consulting company entirely dedicated to the health sector and focused on international assignments. Since its foundation in 1987, Conseil Santé has completed more than 350 projects world-wide, mainly financed by bilateral and multilateral funding agencies. The wide range of experience and expertise it has built up through these assignments is recognised by all its partners.

Conseil Santé is currently involved in numerous projects and applies its values to consulting services for the sustainable development of the beneficiary countries. From technical assistance to advisory services, project studies and evaluations, Conseil Santé uses its skills to provide high quality services in various fields (health economics, health care financing, implementation of health policies, etc.).

Conseil Santé has been part of the SOFRECO group since 1997. Since then, its activity has increased constantly, with its turnover reaching over EUR 8 million in 2019. This constant growth can mostly be explained by our credibility and the professional relations that have been forged with the clients and beneficiaries

92-98, boulevard Victor Hugo - 92115 CLICHY Cedex - FRANCE - Tel. +