Final evaluation of the project 'Diritu à Saude' (2019) |
Final evaluation of the project 'Diritu a saude' (right to health) which aimed to promote the right to access to health services, especially in the Bissau Autonomous Area. The evaluation allowed the EU Delegation to get a clear vision of: (1) the five DAC evaluation criteria of the OECD (relevance, effectiveness, efficiency, sustainability and impact); (2) the two EU criteria: EU added value and coherence of the action with the EU strategy in Guinea Bissau in the health sector and with other EU policies, and interaction with other actions of Member States and other donors, in this project especially the World Bank, and (3) the three transversal criteria: gender approach, interrelation with SDGs (sustainable development goals) and the rights-based approach. |
Technical assistance and support for the financial management of the institutional support to the Programme to support sector-based health policy, phase 2 (PAPS 2) (2018-2021) |
Provision of technical assistance and support for the financial management of the institutional support to the Programme to support sector-based health policy, phase 2 (PAPS 2), whose overall objective is to contribute to universal health cover and thus reduce mother and child mortality in Burkina Faso. |
Assessment of the health referral system and costing of the Basic Package of Health Services (BPHS) (2016) |
The overall objective of the project of which this contract is a part is to increase the availability of reliable data to inform the design and implementation of the national health system. The purposes of this contract are as follows: 1. To produce a comprehensive review of the health referral system at the different levels and present options for improvement; 2. To produce a comprehensive costing of the implementation of BPHS 2010. |
Business process reengineering in the Croatian Institute for Health Insurance (2013) |
Establishment of a cost-effective and more efficient set of business processes across the whole Croatian Institute for Health Insurance (HZZO) organisation, by redesigning, reorganising and reengineering all existing business processes in the Institute, and introducing new ones if necessary to accomplish the Institute’s business purposes. Creation of solid ground for an improved business process management system across the Institute, based on modern IT and ICT infrastructure and solutions, in order to facilitate better provision of all of the Institute’s services to citizens, enterprises and other governmental bodies, as well as data interchange and interoperability support for all relevant means of communication. |
Identification and Formulation of EU Support to the Demining and Development of the North-West Coast of Egypt (2010-2011) |
The objective of the assignment was to contribute to the identification and the formulation of future EU bilateral cooperation with Egypt for the Demining and the Development of the North West Coast of Egypt. |
Technical Assistance to the Benin Ministry of Health for a Preliminary Study on the Development of a Policy for Medico-technical Equipment Purchase, Management and Maintenance (2010) |
Support for the implementation of a health infrastructure equipment policy focused on adequate standards and maintenance: - Support to the Ministry of Health for the definition or revision of a normative list of material and equipment for the peripheral and intermediary levels. - Pre-feasibility study on the creation of the National Agency for Equipment and Rehabilitation. |
Exploratory Mission to Assess the Potential Deployment of an EU Election Observation Mission to Chad (2010) |
The mission was required to collect updated and accurate information in order to determine if an EU Election Observation Mission for future legislative elections in Chad, would be useful, advisable and feasible. |
Mid-term Evaluation of the LRRD (Linking Relief to Rehabilitation and Development) Project, South Chad (department of Grande Sido) (2009-2010) |
Objective and justified assessment of the programme’s capacities to achieve its results aimed to improve the living conditions of the indigenous populations and refugees of the Yaroungo camp in the department of Grande Sido, and to increase security and reduce the risks of conflict between communities in this area. |