Consulting - Engineering - Training
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Conseil Santé in the World

Conseil Santé has carried out more than 150 assignments in over 40 countries.

Our clients

We have three types of client: governments, administrations and public bodies; multilateral and bilateral development funding agencies; hospital establishments.

Our teams

Conseil Santé employs several hundred senior and junior experts of various nationalities, the vast majority of whom are technical specialists.

Healthcare management

Selected references
Democratic Republic of the Congo
French Development Agency
Feasibility mission and definition of a project to support the structuring of a network of provincial reference laboratories in DR Congo according to the One Health approach (CCD1149) (2021)
The AFD is seeking the support of consultants to carry out a feasibility study and definition of a project to support the structuring of a network of provincial reference laboratories in DR Congo. This structuring should take the "One Health" approach into account, which integrates different sectors and disciplines of human, animal, plant and environmental health in the management of emerging epidemics. Laboratories play a key role in this management.
World Bank
University Medical Centre of Tirana (QSUT) international management team support – Implementation of the New Management Strategy for QSUT (2019-2021)
The objective of this assignment is to support the implementation of the new management strategy for the Mother Theresa University Hospital (QSUT) to improve the efficiency, effectiveness and accountability of the QSUT, and thus improve the utilisation efficiency and effectiveness of the different levels of the healthcare network as a continuum of services:
- Implementation of a continuous quality improvement system (CQIS) and support to revamp the referral system and restructure/reengineer the management process in both the administrative and clinical areas, to improve the results and quality of care of QSUT. This includes revamping the system to improve the efficiency of emergency referrals, and the clinical effectiveness of emergency services at QSUT;
- Design, development/adaptation and implementation of a new automated hospital management information system (HMIS).
Asian Development Bank
Consultant Firm for Health Policy, Planning and Capacity Building (2018-2020)
The purpose of the project is to develop the Health Sector Strategic Master Plan. To this end the TA will develop terms of reference (ToR) for a task force that will oversee the HSMP development process from a sectoral perspective, evolving to become a national health sector coordinating committee to eventually oversee sector wide management. The TA will conduct the rapid assessment of the previous Health Sector Strategic Master Plan (HSSMP) 2005-2015, organise thematic working groups that will work on key priority areas and produce supporting documents, including essential and complimentary service packages and midterm frameworks, namely: (a) the Mid-term Investment Framework, (b) the Planning and Budgeting Framework, and (c) the Mid-term Expenditure Framework.
Comoros, Réunion, France, Madagascar, Mauritius, Seychelles
French Development Agency
Project management assistance for the regional Indian Ocean-SEGA One Health Network Health Monitoring Project (2018-2022)
Objective 1. Strengthen and sustain the SEGA One Health network implementation system.
Objective 2. Consolidate and develop the activities of the SEGA One Health network.
North Macedonia
European Union
Analysis of Secondary and Tertiary Healthcare System Effectiveness (2018-2019)
Analysis of the current organisation of the healthcare system, the number of healthcare institutions, their equipment and staffing, business processes, team structures and cooperation. Analysis of all measures envisaged in the national strategies related to health policy. Based on the detailed documentary analysis performed, preparation of an action plan with the measures and suggestions needed for the provision of a more effective and efficient healthcare system. Organisation of a consultative meeting with all stakeholders on the action plan and the implementation road map.
European Union
Capacity-Building and Systems Development in Support to a Sindh Multi-Sectoral Nutrition Policy, Strategy and Implementation Framework (2018-2021)
The overall objective of the Project is to sustainably improve the nutritional status of children under five (U5) and of Pregnant and Lactating Women (PLW) in Sindh in line with the second target indicator of the SDG Goal No2. The specific objective of the contract is to build-up the capacity of the Government of Sindh (GoS) and other stakeholders regarding nutrition-related policy/strategy development, coordination, implementation, adaptive research, data collection/analysis and communication.
Burundi, Senegal, Mali, Cameroon, Burkina Faso, multi- Africa
Technical support for the development and implementation of a quality assurance approach and the integration of gender and key populations in RAF-VIH (African Network for Training on HIV) training courses (2014-2016)
General objective of the assignment:
- Help RAF-VIH to improve the integration of gender issues and key populations into its training courses.
- Support RAF-VIH in the development of a quality assurance approach and accreditation system for French-speaking African training courses in the field of HIV/AIDS.
Main actions:
- Support to integrate the gender approach and key populations into training courses.
- Support with accreditation and the quality approach.
French Development Agency
External evaluation of the Health Development Plan 2011-2015 (2014)
Mid-term evaluation of the implementation performance of Niger's Health Development Plan 2011-2015.
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