Consulting - Engineering - Training
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Conseil Santé in the World

Conseil Santé has carried out more than 150 assignments in over 40 countries.

Our clients

We have three types of client: governments, administrations and public bodies; multilateral and bilateral development funding agencies; hospital establishments.

Our teams

Conseil Santé employs several hundred senior and junior experts of various nationalities, the vast majority of whom are technical specialists.

Human resources development

Selected references
European Union
Preparation of three bankable medical investment proposals and training of key staff in the preparation of bankable documentation (2020)
The purposes of this contract are as follows:
• To train key decision-makers of university hospitals, public capital investment institutions and relevant stakeholders on blended finance investment preparation (capital demand) and appraisal (capital supply) for tertiary hospitals.
• To assist the Medical Hub Development project in cost estimation analysis.
• To prepare bankable feasibility studies for the development of 3 UCH medical hubs including international standard tertiary medical services.
Central African Republic
World Bank
Management of a health programme focused on performance-based financing consisting of contracting health facilities in health regions 4 and 5 (2020-2022)
The Ministry of Health and Population has recruited Conseil Santé to act as Contracting and Verification Agency (CVA) in health regions 4 and 5, in order to provide verification, coaching and capacity building services related to the tasks required by the performance-based financing (PBF) approach.
The general objective of the CVA’s mission is to help with the implementation of PBF in regions 4 and 5 (5 health districts) in compliance with the national PBF manual.
multi- Africa
European Union
Digital4Women: How to enable women’s empowerment in Africa by mainstreaming digital technologies and services in EU development programmes (2019-2020)
The global objective of this assignment is to contribute to bridging the EU ‘Digital4Development’ strategy and Gender Action Plan to accelerate women’s empowerment in EU digital-related programmes.
The specific objective is to deliver recommendations on the implementation of the EC’s approach for Digital4Development to boost women’s empowerment in digital technologies and services in Sub-Saharan Africa.
National - Local
Support for the Development of Health Human Resources - Initial Training (2018)
In the framework of the initial training component of the Health Human Resource Development Support Project (PADRHS), Conseil Santé was mandated by the University of Montreal to help develop a paramedical training offer that meets Congo's health human resource needs. This assignment resulted in: (1) the formulation of recommendations of priority areas for paramedical training taking into account the range of paramedical occupations: (2) the identification of training programmes that could be completed at the level of the paramedical schools and of capacities to be developed in the paramedical schools to meet these needs.
European Union
Technical assistance to Kabul Medical University and Ghazanfar Institute of Health Sciences to upgrade the nutrition curricula in the existing diplomas of health professionals and to create specific nutrition diplomas (2016-2021)
Provision of technical assistance to the Kabul Medical University and the Ghazanfar Institute of Health Sciences with the following purposes:
- Upgrading the nutrition curricula in the existing professional diplomas of nurses and midwives and training of teachers in the new curricula
- Revision of the nutrition curricula in the bachelor degrees for medical doctors, nurses and the public health postgraduate programme of the Kabul Medical University.
- Creation of specific nutrition diplomas under the public health postgraduate programme at Kabul Medical University and at the Ghazanfar Institute of Health Sciences.
European Union
Technical assistance for training on integrated health attention for mothers and children (2016-2018)
This cascade training project is part of the Health Sector Support Programme (PASS II).
Training of trainers and of health professionals, in collaboration with health technician training schools and continuous training centres.
The project covers the 5 provinces covered by the PASS II (Benguela, Bié, Huambo, Huila and Luanda).
Training on:
1) Integrated Management of Mothers and Newborns (IMMN) with a focus on emergency obstetrical and neonatal care;
2) Integrated child health attention with a focus on the Integrated Management of Childhood Illness (IMCI), including control of the growth and development of children.
Côte d'Ivoire
World Bank
Analysis of the alignment of senior health management training with the country’s needs (2016)
The overall objective is to help ensure a better alignment between the basic training of senior health staff and the skills needs of the health system:
- Diagnosis of the gaps between the training proposed by health science faculties and the Ministry’s needs;
- Analysis of the relevance of internship as a method for training and coaching senior management;
- Description of investment requirements (human resources, materials and new curricula);
- Formulation of recommendations to improve the initial training of senior health managers.
Côte d'Ivoire
World Bank
Performance of a study on the liberalisation of health worker training (2016)
The objective of this study is to examine the liberalization of health worker training by national private bodies in a formal framework, taking into account the harmonisation of training curricula advocated by the West African Health Organisation (WAHO), and to propose a structured model for a health worker training school. More specifically, it involves:
1) Inventorying the main private bodies proposing health worker training;
2) Assessing the quality of the trainers working in these bodies and of the training provided;
3) Analysing the current training framework of public training bodies in relation with the requirements of the bachelor-master-doctorate (LMD) system;
4) Making comparative proposals for training curricula in the private training bodies in the context of harmonising practices;
5) Proposing a structured model for a health worker training school.
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