Technical Assistance for Reception Centres for Asylum Seekers and Refugees and Removal Centres for Illegal Migrants (2008-2009) |
The overall objective of the project was to promote the better implementation of Turkey asylum policies and to ensure better control over illegal migrations through the design of nine specialised centres. The team of experts was in charge of the totality of the architectural plans of seven reception centres for asylum seekers and refugees and of two removal centres for illegal migrants, as well as the tender documents for the construction of the centres. |
Identification and formulation of a project targeting the fight against poverty (2004) |
Identification of a social development project in Paraguay targeting the fight against poverty, design of the components and methodology of the formulated project and elaboration of an identification sheet and a financing proposal, together with a detailed description and recommendations for the project’s implementation. |
Training Programme for Experts on Finance and Actuary in Social Security (2002) |
Provided institutional capacity building support to the recently established actuary and finance departments in the four main social security institutions (Social Security Department within the Ministry of Labour and Social Security, Social Insurance Institution for Employees (SSK), Social Insurance Institution for Artisans, Craftsmen and other Self-Employed (BAG-KUR) and Turkish Employment Organization (ISKUR)). |
French Development Agency |
Support to the Ministry of Health and the Permanent Secretariat of the National AIDS Council in the project to fight AIDS (2007-2008) |
The AFD signed a financing convention with Burkina Faso for the implementation of a EUR 2,500,000 project to support the fight against AIDS. The Permanent Secretariat of the National AIDS Council (PS/NAC) and the Ministry of Health (MoH) are the Clients. |
Mid-term review of the project to fight AIDS, malaria and tuberculosis (2006-2007) |
The Grant Agreement between the IDA and the Republic of Djibouti setting out the modalities for the implementation of the project to fight AIDS, malaria and tuberculosis, planned a mid-term evaluation 30 months after the beginning of the project. The Consultant was in charge of evaluating the HIV/AIDS section. |
Assistance for the Formulation of a Health Sector Policy Support Programme (2006) |
The Government of Egypt is stressing the need for extending social protection, accelerating the reform of the health sector and restructuring the health insurance system and asked for the preparation of a package of the needed reform, closely associating stakeholders and donors. The general objective of the EC support is the growing availability of affordable health care services of good quality to the Egyptian population, with emphasis on family medicine and on vulnerable and presently under-served groups. The corner stone of the first phase of the Egyptian Health Sector Reform Programme (HSRP-I, 1997-2006) has been the introduction of the “Family Health Model” in 5 governorates. Its global aim is to raise the quality and attractiveness of primary health care in Egypt. |
Recruitment of Technical Assistance for an Appraisal of Essential Drugs (2006) |
Provided technical assistance and support to the Ministry of Health and Family Planning in the evaluation of different implementation phases of the FANOME scheme (financing and non-stop procurement of essential drugs) in order to ensure its sustainability at all levels. The objectives of the FANOME scheme were: a) to ensure sufficient availability of funds to guarantee the replacement of the stock of essential drugs in public health facilities; b) to facilitate access to health care for the entire population, including vulnerable groups; c) to increase the efficiency of community participation in management, following the principles of decentralisation and transparency. |
Technical Assistance to the Ministry of Health (Project Number 9 ACP BAR 004), Health Sector Programme (2005-2008) |
Development and implementation of a comprehensive and integrated health strategy under a sector wide approach focusing on pro-poor policies and fair financing for the poor with emphasis on health systems development, information systems and home and community based care. Institutional strengthening and capacity building in the context of health sector reform. Improvement of health care delivery for all levels of the health system (hospital, polyclinics and ambulatory care) with focus on community and home based care development. |