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Consulting - Engineering - Training |
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References by geographical area |
References by field of expertise |
| | | | Conseil Santé in the World |
Conseil Santé has carried out more than 150 assignments in over 40 countries.
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| | | | We have three types of client: governments, administrations and public bodies; multilateral and bilateral development funding agencies; hospital establishments.
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| | | | Conseil Santé employs several hundred senior and junior experts of various nationalities, the vast majority of whom are technical specialists.
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Zimbabwe, Philippines, Nigeria, Myanmar, Belgium, Bolivia, Colombia, Georgia, Libya, Somalia, South Sudan |
Instrument for Stability (IfS) Staged Evaluations (2013) |
Provision of independent, high-quality monitoring and evaluation inputs on projects and programmes through assistance in the initial stages and real-time evaluation of IfS actions (providing assistance for conflict prevention and urgent responses to political crises and man-made or natural disasters) which fall under the remit of the Service for Foreign Policy Instruments. |
| Exploratory Mission (ExM) to East Timor in View of a Potential EU Election Observation Mission for Parliamentary Elections, scheduled to take place in June/July 2012 (2012) |
The objective was to collect factual information to assess whether an EU Election Observation Mission (EU EOM) for the upcoming Parliamentary elections in East Timor, scheduled to take place in June/July 2012 would be useful, advisable and feasible. Moreover the objective was to produce specific documents containing clear information and recommendations for the deployment of a possible EU EOM. |
| HIV/AIDS situation assessment – Health and Population Programme (2001) |
Assessed the HIV/AIDS situation and the epidemic’s impact on the medical, social and economic development of the country, and proposed a strategy to strengthen the current surveillance systems. |
| Supporting the National Urban Health Mission (2016-2018) |
The technical assistance team (TAT) supported the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare (MOHFW) to implement the NUHM. The activities focused on facilitating state-level implementation of the NUHM. The TAT worked in 5 selected states: Telangana, Karnataka, West Bengal, Rajasthan and Assam. The project targeted the urban poor population and directed its efforts towards 3 major intervention areas: (1) strengthening the UPHC delivery system, (2) increasing the quality of services and (3) improving the capacity of health personnel, knowledge sharing mechanisms and the promotion of innovative urban health models. |
| Mid-term evaluation of the EU Health Sector Capacity Support Project (EU HSCSP) in Vietnam (2013) |
Mid-term evaluation to review project progress, check results against targets, provide an opinion as to how the project has arrived at its current position and to make recommendations regarding the course of action to be taken in the remaining months of the project, possible needs for adjustment and future interventions. |
| Women’s health and safe motherhood project – Partnerships’ component (WHSMP-PC) (2000) |
Mid-term review of the “WHSMP-PC project” after its third year of implementation. The project aimed to promote community organisation and to support projects aiming at developing sustainable women’s health care systems, through advocacy, capacity building, community healthcare and women’s health actions. |
| Health Care in the Central Highlands II (2012) |
The services consist in project preparatory technical assistance (PPTA) to develop a health project in the Central Highlands suitable for ADB funding in terms of technical, financial, economic, institutional, sector policy, legal, and safeguard contexts, in conjunction with the country partnership strategy, operational experience, and lessons from evaluations of previous projects. The ensuing Project will comprise the following outputs: 1) facilities and equipment upgraded, 2) quality human resources developed, 3) financing of health services strengthened, 4) demand for health services improved, and 5) management of health services improved. |
| Technical Assistance to Regional Capacity Development for Strengthening Resilience to Climate Change in the Health Sector in the Greater Mekong Subregion (formerly Mitigating Human Impact of Climate Change) (2016-2020) |
The TA aims to deliver three outputs in the GMS: (i) knowledge and understanding of the relationship between climate change and human health improved; (ii) human resource skills in coping with climate change adaptation in the health sector strengthened; (iii) knowledge products shared and advocacy promoted. |
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92-98, boulevard Victor Hugo - 92115 CLICHY Cedex - FRANCE - Tel. +
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