Consulting - Engineering - Training
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Conseil Santé in the World

Conseil Santé has carried out more than 150 assignments in over 40 countries.

Our clients

We have three types of client: governments, administrations and public bodies; multilateral and bilateral development funding agencies; hospital establishments.

Our teams

Conseil Santé employs several hundred senior and junior experts of various nationalities, the vast majority of whom are technical specialists.

Latin america and the Caribbean

Selected references
European Union
Identification and formulation of a project targeting the fight against poverty (2004)
Identification of a social development project in Paraguay targeting the fight against poverty, design of the components and methodology of the formulated project and elaboration of an identification sheet and a financing proposal, together with a detailed description and recommendations for the project’s implementation.
European Union
Technical Assistance to the Ministry of Health (Project Number 9 ACP BAR 004), Health Sector Programme (2005-2008)
Development and implementation of a comprehensive and integrated health strategy under a sector wide approach focusing on pro-poor policies and fair financing for the poor with emphasis on health systems development, information systems and home and community based care. Institutional strengthening and capacity building in the context of health sector reform. Improvement of health care delivery for all levels of the health system (hospital, polyclinics and ambulatory care) with focus on community and home based care development.
European Union
Dominica Infant Mortality Reduction Project (2012)
The specific objective was to contribute to the reduction of the high Infant Mortality Rate (IMR) in Dominica through the provision of technical support for the design of an evidence-based, integrated and context-specific support framework, supported by a sustainable data collection and information management system. The achievement of this objective shall also contribute to the fulfilment of the specific condition of disbursement of the first fixed tranche of the relevant Multi-Sector General Budget Support programme.
Bolivia, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru
European Union
Cooperation between the EU and the Andean Community on Synthetic Drugs (2008-2010)
Support to the CAN so it could acquire objective, reliable and comparable information for its Member States (Bolivia, Columbia, Ecuador and Peru), so they could achieve a joint vision to create public policies that would allow them to confront the problems posed by the drug and drug addiction phenomena.
French Development Agency
Institutional support for the development of health cooperation between Suriname and French Guyana (2009-2012)
The overall objective of the project is to contribute to the improvement of the health status of the Surinamese population (including the specific population living along the Maroni river). A public health expert will assist the MoH for the improvement of the quality of health services throughout the country and the development of cross-border cooperation.
European Union
Final External Evaluation of the Health PRRAC Project (2006)
Analysis and validation of the project's environment and of the achievements obtained in conformity with the planning; observations and recommendations for the sustainability of the project's results and identification of lessons learned for future EU cooperation initiatives in Guatemala.
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