Consulting - Engineering - Training
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Conseil Santé in the World

Conseil Santé has carried out more than 150 assignments in over 40 countries.

Our clients

We have three types of client: governments, administrations and public bodies; multilateral and bilateral development funding agencies; hospital establishments.

Our teams

Conseil Santé employs several hundred senior and junior experts of various nationalities, the vast majority of whom are technical specialists.

Western Africa

Selected references
Burkina Faso
Cash transfers for food and nutrition security (2021-2024)
Support on the implementation of cash transfers to pregnant and lactating women in Ioba Province (Burkina Faso) to improve food and nutritional security.
European Union
Final evaluation of the project 'Diritu à Saude' (2019)
Final evaluation of the project 'Diritu a saude' (right to health) which aimed to promote the right to access to health services, especially in the Bissau Autonomous Area. The evaluation allowed the EU Delegation to get a clear vision of: (1) the five DAC evaluation criteria of the OECD (relevance, effectiveness, efficiency, sustainability and impact); (2) the two EU criteria: EU added value and coherence of the action with the EU strategy in Guinea Bissau in the health sector and with other EU policies, and interaction with other actions of Member States and other donors, in this project especially the World Bank, and (3) the three transversal criteria: gender approach, interrelation with SDGs (sustainable development goals) and the rights-based approach.
Burkina Faso
European Union
Technical assistance and support for the financial management of the institutional support to the Programme to support sector-based health policy, phase 2 (PAPS 2) (2018-2021)
Provision of technical assistance and support for the financial management of the institutional support to the Programme to support sector-based health policy, phase 2 (PAPS 2), whose overall objective is to contribute to universal health cover and thus reduce mother and child mortality in Burkina Faso.
Côte d'Ivoire
World Bank
Situation analysis of public health facilities in 25 health districts of Côte d’Ivoire (2016-2017)
This project involves a situation analysis of 589 health facilities of 25 health districts of Côte d’Ivoire: regional hospitals, general hospitals and urban and rural first-contact health facilities.
The study includes 4 phases:
- Launch of the project;
- Evaluation of the health facilities (situation analysis);
- Architectural and technical studies (preliminary design/detailed design);
- Tender documents (provisional and final).
This study falls within the framework of achieving the objectives of the National Health Development Plan, and is one of the preconditions for the implementation of the performance-based financing strategy.
European Union
Exploratory Mission (ExM) to Guinea Bissau in view of a potential EU election observation mission to observe the upcoming presidential and legislative elections, scheduled to take place on 16 March 2014 (2014)
Mission to collect factual information to assess whether an EU Election Observation Mission (EU EOM) for the upcoming presidential and legislative elections in Guinea-Bissau, scheduled to take place on 16 March 2014, would be useful, advisable and feasible.
European Union
Support with the management mechanism of the monitoring and evaluation system of the national food security system (2019-2022)
This technical support falls within the framework of PRORESA – the Programme to Strengthen Food Security – to meet the challenges of chronic food and nutritional insecurity in Mali (2016-2021). The overall development objective which PRORESA is working towards is to reduce the food and nutritional insecurity of vulnerable populations in Mali.
It aims to improve the management of annual interventions, accountability and capitalisation within the National Food Security System by setting up a reliable, effective monitoring and evaluation system at the level of the Food Security Commission that meets international standards and allows consensus among the various actors at national level.
European Union
Support in the process to develop a roadmap for the transition of the management of acute malnutrition by the State (2019)
This assignment aimed to support the Ministry of Public Health in planning the different stages of the gradual transfer of responsibilities and actions to manage acute malnutrition to State services with the support of its partners from the health sector.
Conseil Santé provided a public health expert to support the participatory process to develop a roadmap to plan the different stages of this gradual transfer, to facilitate communication and negotiation with the other Ministries concerned (in particular that of Finance and of the Public Service), and to advocate for the sustainable funding of these activities. This roadmap was the result of a participatory process involving all of the stakeholders concerned at the central, deconcentrated, and local authority levels.
European Union
Ex-post evaluation of the Rehabilitation and Development Programme in Forest Guinea (RDP) (2013)
The goal of the Rehabilitation and Development Programme in Forest Guinea (RDP) was to contribute to the economic, social and institutional rehabilitation and development process of areas affected by armed incursions in 2000-01, by neighbouring countries’ conflicts, and the impact and presence of refugees.
A programme management unit was tasked with the implementation and decentralised management of this programme, which was carried out over 50 months (2007-2011) for an amount of EUR 12 million. The activities were carried out through works and supply contracts and grant agreements. The programme was financed by the 9th EDF.
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