Consulting - Engineering - Training
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Conseil Santé in the World

Conseil Santé has carried out more than 150 assignments in over 40 countries.

Our clients

We have three types of client: governments, administrations and public bodies; multilateral and bilateral development funding agencies; hospital establishments.

Our teams

Conseil Santé employs several hundred senior and junior experts of various nationalities, the vast majority of whom are technical specialists.

Central Asia

Selected references
World Bank
Consultancy services for the development of health infrastructures (2018-2019)
The Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD or WB) are co-financing a Social Health Insurance (SHI) project, aimed at improving the accessibility, quality, and efficiency of health service delivery, and at reducing the population’s financial insecurity.
The objective of this assignment is to improve the State’s regulation and management of investment planning in the health sector. The aim is to bring its standards closer to international standards, in particular to those of the OECD, taking into account the planning of the needs of hospitals in the regions and the finalisation of the United Perspective Plan (UPP, a hospital planning document).
Asian Development Bank
Strengthening the integrated early warning system and disaster preparedness (2020-2021)
Support for the development of a comprehensive approach to a multi-hazard early warning system (EWS) including environmental as well as epidemic risks. Support to pilot an appropriate pandemic surveillance system as part of the early warning system for pandemic response in Mongolia in the context of the Covid-19 pandemic. Preparation of an EWS design that is suitable for Asian Development Bank financing by identifying the most appropriate project components and providing innovative ideas, concepts, management approaches and technology including pilot testing to enhance project impacts.
Asian Development Bank
Consultant Firm for Health Policy, Planning and Capacity Building (2018-2020)
The purpose of the project is to develop the Health Sector Strategic Master Plan. To this end the TA will develop terms of reference (ToR) for a task force that will oversee the HSMP development process from a sectoral perspective, evolving to become a national health sector coordinating committee to eventually oversee sector wide management. The TA will conduct the rapid assessment of the previous Health Sector Strategic Master Plan (HSSMP) 2005-2015, organise thematic working groups that will work on key priority areas and produce supporting documents, including essential and complimentary service packages and midterm frameworks, namely: (a) the Mid-term Investment Framework, (b) the Planning and Budgeting Framework, and (c) the Mid-term Expenditure Framework.
European Union
Health Sector Assessment and EC Programme Design (2006-2007)
Assessment of the status of the health care sector reforms and of the conditions for the successful development and implementation of a government health sector programme. Assistance to the EC in the preparation of its assistance under TACIS AP 2006 and follow-up activities within the new financial perspective of the European New Neighbourhood Instruments (ENNI) in support of the development and implementation of the government’s health sector programme.
Zimbabwe, Philippines, Nigeria, Myanmar, Belgium, Bolivia, Colombia, Georgia, Libya, Somalia, South Sudan
European Union
Instrument for Stability (IfS) Staged Evaluations (2013)
Provision of independent, high-quality monitoring and evaluation inputs on projects and programmes through assistance in the initial stages and real-time evaluation of IfS actions (providing assistance for conflict prevention and urgent responses to political crises and man-made or natural disasters) which fall under the remit of the Service for Foreign Policy Instruments.
World Bank
Primary healthcare improvement, primary and secondary prevention (2019-2021)
The objective of this assignment is to promote the modernisation of the PHC service in Kazakhstan by supporting and strengthening 16 centres of clinical excellence as regional intelligence hubs intended for the implementation of the best and most advanced methods, standards and technology in the PHC area.
European Union
Regional Health in Uzbekistan (2002-2004)
Technical assistance for the identification and prioritisation of needs, the development of alternative proposals and the formulation of action plans in each of the project's specific fields: health care management and policies, emergency health care, laboratory services and equipment, diagnostic techniques, management information systems, and training of health professionals and managers in health services.
World Bank
Drafting of a Technical Norm for the Configuration of Rural Facilities for Primary Health Care (2005)
Development of technical norms to guide the programming, planning, design and equipping of different types of facilities for rural health services. One of its major outputs was to provide guidance for the configuration of sustainable rural PHC facilities focusing on the use of renewable energy systems and environmental issues.
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