Consulting - Engineering - Training
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Conseil Santé in the World

Conseil Santé has carried out more than 150 assignments in over 40 countries.

Our clients

We have three types of client: governments, administrations and public bodies; multilateral and bilateral development funding agencies; hospital establishments.

Our teams

Conseil Santé employs several hundred senior and junior experts of various nationalities, the vast majority of whom are technical specialists.

Central and Eastern Europe

Selected references
Comprehensive Feasibility Studies for three regional Hospitals in Iasi, Cluj and Craiova - Romania (2017-2019)
The objective of this assignment is to support the Romanian authorities in the preparation of a project regarding the construction of three regional hospitals in Iasi, Cluj-Napoca and Craiova. The project is part of the Romanian National Health Strategy, and aims to obtain co-financing from the European Structural and Investment (ESI) Funds.
World Bank
University Medical Centre of Tirana (QSUT) international management team support – Implementation of the New Management Strategy for QSUT (2019-2021)
The objective of this assignment is to support the implementation of the new management strategy for the Mother Theresa University Hospital (QSUT) to improve the efficiency, effectiveness and accountability of the QSUT, and thus improve the utilisation efficiency and effectiveness of the different levels of the healthcare network as a continuum of services:
- Implementation of a continuous quality improvement system (CQIS) and support to revamp the referral system and restructure/reengineer the management process in both the administrative and clinical areas, to improve the results and quality of care of QSUT. This includes revamping the system to improve the efficiency of emergency referrals, and the clinical effectiveness of emergency services at QSUT;
- Design, development/adaptation and implementation of a new automated hospital management information system (HMIS).
World Bank
Business process reengineering in the Croatian Institute for Health Insurance (2013)
Establishment of a cost-effective and more efficient set of business processes across the whole Croatian Institute for Health Insurance (HZZO) organisation, by redesigning, reorganising and reengineering all existing business processes in the Institute, and introducing new ones if necessary to accomplish the Institute’s business purposes.
Creation of solid ground for an improved business process management system across the Institute, based on modern IT and ICT infrastructure and solutions, in order to facilitate better provision of all of the Institute’s services to citizens, enterprises and other governmental bodies, as well as data interchange and interoperability support for all relevant means of communication.
North Macedonia
European Union
Analysis of Secondary and Tertiary Healthcare System Effectiveness (2018-2019)
Analysis of the current organisation of the healthcare system, the number of healthcare institutions, their equipment and staffing, business processes, team structures and cooperation. Analysis of all measures envisaged in the national strategies related to health policy. Based on the detailed documentary analysis performed, preparation of an action plan with the measures and suggestions needed for the provision of a more effective and efficient healthcare system. Organisation of a consultative meeting with all stakeholders on the action plan and the implementation road map.
Belgium, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo, Montenegro, Serbia
European Union
Thematic Evaluation of EU Support to Refugees in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo, Montenegro and Serbia (2013)
Evaluation of the EU's support to refugees and internally displaced people (IDPs) in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, Kosovo and Serbia. This evaluation should provide findings and recommendations to assist the Enlargement Directorate General of the European Commission (DG ELARG) in the programming and implementation of future EU assistance to these countries in their support to refugees and IDPs, with a view to improving the instruments available to best respond to policy objectives, and financial assistance performance.
Joint evaluation of the impacts of assistance to social sector reforms (2010)
The main purpose of the evaluation was to generate knowledge from the results of Sida support to social sector reforms through twelve projects and programmes in the Republic of Moldova, in order to provide lessons learnt for the Moldovan ministries and authorities concerned in the planning for the future direction for the sector, and for donors and implementing agencies involved as to how to best assist the reforms. Since the Swedish support to social sector reforms was being phased out in Moldova, the evaluation provided important lessons for Sweden as to how to phase out development cooperation assistance in a responsible way, ensuring the sustainability of results.
European Union
International Advisor to the Head of the Quality Management Unit at the Ministry of Health (2003-2004)
Supported the Quality Management Unit of the Ministry of Health in introducing, supporting and managing Quality Assurance Standards in the health sector in Kosovo, and in adopting EU/ WHO standards and guidelines.
European Union
Development of a social protection system addressing the needs of vulnerable layers of society (2008-2010)
Activity 1: Assist the Ministry of Social Protection, Family and Children (MoSPFC) in developing and putting into operation the mechanism for the monitoring of a better targeted social assistance system
Activity 2: Strengthen the capacity of the MoSPFC and relevant regional and local authorities and stakeholders
Activity 3: Ensure coordination and information flow in the social sector
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