Consulting - Engineering - Training
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Conseil Santé in the World

Conseil Santé has carried out more than 150 assignments in over 40 countries.

Our clients

We have three types of client: governments, administrations and public bodies; multilateral and bilateral development funding agencies; hospital establishments.

Our teams

Conseil Santé employs several hundred senior and junior experts of various nationalities, the vast majority of whom are technical specialists.

Near East and North Africa

Selected references
European Union
Identification and formulation of a programme to support social inclusion and the fight against poverty (2019)
Phase 1 – Identification: review of the current situation in terms of progress in the implementation of the different strategies and action plans related to the fields concerned (social protection, the fight against exclusion, access to health, grant programme for basic commodities, social security fund reforms, health insurance fund reform, etc.), review of the actors (Tunisian stakeholders and technical and financial partners) and of past or ongoing interventions. Proposal of intervention assumptions to support the Tunisian government in its reforms of the poverty reduction and social transfer system. Drafting of the action document.
Phase 2 - Detailed formulation of the support programme, demonstrating its relevance and coherence with the objectives and policy instruments of the EU and of the country, its feasibility, complementarity with the actions of the other funding agencies, and with already ongoing or planned EU projects. Drafting of all documents needed to implement the action.
European Union
Assessment of the health referral system and costing of the Basic Package of Health Services (BPHS) (2016)
The overall objective of the project of which this contract is a part is to increase the availability of reliable data to inform the design and implementation of the national health system.
The purposes of this contract are as follows:
1. To produce a comprehensive review of the health referral system at the different levels and present options for improvement;
2. To produce a comprehensive costing of the implementation of BPHS 2010.
European Union
Short-Term Technical Assistance to the Greater Amman Municipality in the Accreditation of the Health and Business Inspection Department, HBID Labs (2010-2012)
The Jordan Food and Drug Administration (JFDA) was established in 2003 to protect public health and consumer interests in the area of food safety and hygiene. It received support from the Danish Veterinary and Food Administration between 2005 and 2007 and later from the European Union in order to attain the EU best practices in the field of laboratory accreditation.
This specific technical assistance was designed to streamline the fragmented food control responsibilities between the JFDA and all other government ministries and institutions and to enhance the technical and managerial capacities of inspection laboratories in the Greater Amman Municipality.
European Union
Exploratory Mission (ExM) in view of a potential EU Election Observation Mission of General Elections (June 2013) in Lebanon (2013)
Mission to collect factual information to assess whether an EU Election Observation Mission (EU EOM) for the upcoming general elections in Lebanon, tentatively scheduled to take place in June 2013, would be useful, advisable and feasible.
European Union
Technical assistance to Kabul Medical University and Ghazanfar Institute of Health Sciences to upgrade the nutrition curricula in the existing diplomas of health professionals and to create specific nutrition diplomas (2016-2021)
Provision of technical assistance to the Kabul Medical University and the Ghazanfar Institute of Health Sciences with the following purposes:
- Upgrading the nutrition curricula in the existing professional diplomas of nurses and midwives and training of teachers in the new curricula
- Revision of the nutrition curricula in the bachelor degrees for medical doctors, nurses and the public health postgraduate programme of the Kabul Medical University.
- Creation of specific nutrition diplomas under the public health postgraduate programme at Kabul Medical University and at the Ghazanfar Institute of Health Sciences.
European Union
Identification and Formulation of EU Support to the Demining and Development of the North-West Coast of Egypt (2010-2011)
The objective of the assignment was to contribute to the identification and the formulation of future EU bilateral cooperation with Egypt for the Demining and the Development of the North West Coast of Egypt.
Zimbabwe, Philippines, Nigeria, Myanmar, Belgium, Bolivia, Colombia, Georgia, Libya, Somalia, South Sudan
European Union
Instrument for Stability (IfS) Staged Evaluations (2013)
Provision of independent, high-quality monitoring and evaluation inputs on projects and programmes through assistance in the initial stages and real-time evaluation of IfS actions (providing assistance for conflict prevention and urgent responses to political crises and man-made or natural disasters) which fall under the remit of the Service for Foreign Policy Instruments.
European Union
Capacity-Building and Systems Development in Support to a Sindh Multi-Sectoral Nutrition Policy, Strategy and Implementation Framework (2018-2021)
The overall objective of the Project is to sustainably improve the nutritional status of children under five (U5) and of Pregnant and Lactating Women (PLW) in Sindh in line with the second target indicator of the SDG Goal No2. The specific objective of the contract is to build-up the capacity of the Government of Sindh (GoS) and other stakeholders regarding nutrition-related policy/strategy development, coordination, implementation, adaptive research, data collection/analysis and communication.
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