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Consulting - Engineering - Training |
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References by geographical area |
References by field of expertise |
| | | | Conseil Santé in the World |
Conseil Santé has carried out more than 150 assignments in over 40 countries.
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| | | | We have three types of client: governments, administrations and public bodies; multilateral and bilateral development funding agencies; hospital establishments.
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| | | | Conseil Santé employs several hundred senior and junior experts of various nationalities, the vast majority of whom are technical specialists.
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| Linking Relief Rehabilitation and Development |
Nigeria Climate Change Response Programme (NCCRP) (2019-2023) |
The overall objective of the project is to support the development and implementation of the Nigerian Climate Change Response Programme (NCCRP) to guarantee the country’s economic growth and development strategies whilst meeting its conditional 45 % NDC (Nationally Determined Contribution) targets by 2030. The specific objective is to contribute to the creation of Nigeria’s GHG emission profile with the aim of pinpointing mitigation actions reducing energy use and costs in favour of renewable energy and energy efficiency solutions. This will be mainly achieved through the creation of sectoral MRVs (e.g. for the energy and waste sectors) and a waste baseline. |
| Exploratory Mission (ExM) to Guinea Bissau in view of a potential EU election observation mission to observe the upcoming presidential and legislative elections, scheduled to take place on 16 March 2014 (2014) |
Mission to collect factual information to assess whether an EU Election Observation Mission (EU EOM) for the upcoming presidential and legislative elections in Guinea-Bissau, scheduled to take place on 16 March 2014, would be useful, advisable and feasible. |
| Exploratory Mission (ExM) in view of a potential EU Election Observation Mission of General Elections (June 2013) in Lebanon (2013) |
Mission to collect factual information to assess whether an EU Election Observation Mission (EU EOM) for the upcoming general elections in Lebanon, tentatively scheduled to take place in June 2013, would be useful, advisable and feasible. |
| Ex-post evaluation of the Rehabilitation and Development Programme in Forest Guinea (RDP) (2013) |
The goal of the Rehabilitation and Development Programme in Forest Guinea (RDP) was to contribute to the economic, social and institutional rehabilitation and development process of areas affected by armed incursions in 2000-01, by neighbouring countries’ conflicts, and the impact and presence of refugees. A programme management unit was tasked with the implementation and decentralised management of this programme, which was carried out over 50 months (2007-2011) for an amount of EUR 12 million. The activities were carried out through works and supply contracts and grant agreements. The programme was financed by the 9th EDF. |
| Belgium, Barbados, Botswana, Burkina Faso, Djibouti, Fiji, Central African Republic |
Final Evaluation of the ACP-EU Natural Disaster Facility (2013) |
End of project evaluation of the Natural Disaster Facility (NDF) to assess the impact of the project in the short and medium term and produce lessons to be learned for future initiatives of this kind. The overall objective of the project is to improve the human security level of the populations of ACP countries and to reduce the social, economic and environmental costs of natural catastrophes with the ultimate goal of poverty reduction. The specific objective is to reinforce the capacity of preparedness to natural catastrophes by national and sub-regional ACP institutions. |
| Zimbabwe, Philippines, Nigeria, Myanmar, Belgium, Bolivia, Colombia, Georgia, Libya, Somalia, South Sudan |
Instrument for Stability (IfS) Staged Evaluations (2013) |
Provision of independent, high-quality monitoring and evaluation inputs on projects and programmes through assistance in the initial stages and real-time evaluation of IfS actions (providing assistance for conflict prevention and urgent responses to political crises and man-made or natural disasters) which fall under the remit of the Service for Foreign Policy Instruments. |
| Exploratory Mission (ExM) in view of a potential EU Election Observation Mission of Constituent Assembly Elections in Libya (2012) |
Collection of factual information to assess whether an EU Election Observation Mission (EU EOM) for the upcoming Constituent Assembly Elections in Libya, scheduled to take place in June 2012, would be useful, advisable and feasible. Moreover, the objective was to produce specific documents containing clear information and recommendations for the deployment of a possible EU EOM. |
| Exploratory Mission (ExM) to East Timor in View of a Potential EU Election Observation Mission for Parliamentary Elections, scheduled to take place in June/July 2012 (2012) |
The objective was to collect factual information to assess whether an EU Election Observation Mission (EU EOM) for the upcoming Parliamentary elections in East Timor, scheduled to take place in June/July 2012 would be useful, advisable and feasible. Moreover the objective was to produce specific documents containing clear information and recommendations for the deployment of a possible EU EOM. |
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92-98, boulevard Victor Hugo - 92115 CLICHY Cedex - FRANCE - Tel. +
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