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Consulting - Engineering - Training |
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References by geographical area |
References by field of expertise |
| | | | Conseil Santé in the World |
Conseil Santé has carried out more than 150 assignments in over 40 countries.
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| | | | We have three types of client: governments, administrations and public bodies; multilateral and bilateral development funding agencies; hospital establishments.
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| | | | Conseil Santé employs several hundred senior and junior experts of various nationalities, the vast majority of whom are technical specialists.
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| Eastern and Southern Africa |
Preparation of three bankable medical investment proposals and training of key staff in the preparation of bankable documentation (2020) |
The purposes of this contract are as follows: • To train key decision-makers of university hospitals, public capital investment institutions and relevant stakeholders on blended finance investment preparation (capital demand) and appraisal (capital supply) for tertiary hospitals. • To assist the Medical Hub Development project in cost estimation analysis. • To prepare bankable feasibility studies for the development of 3 UCH medical hubs including international standard tertiary medical services. |
| Study of pharmaceutical services in Zambia (2012) |
In order to assess opportunities and challenges for the Zambian pharmaceutical system in purchasing and distributing pharmaceuticals, the EU Delegation to Zambia required a comprehensive assessment of the current situation. The objective of the study was to: 1) carry out a comprehensive analysis of the pharmaceutical subsector, including an in depth assessment of economic aspects, logistics systems, information technology and regulatory capacity; 2) assess the opportunity for EU support in one or several of the mentioned areas; 3) identify themes that need to be followed up in the policy dialogue. |
| Comoros, Réunion, France, Madagascar, Mauritius, Seychelles |
French Development Agency |
Project management assistance for the regional Indian Ocean-SEGA One Health Network Health Monitoring Project (2018-2022) |
Objective 1. Strengthen and sustain the SEGA One Health network implementation system. Objective 2. Consolidate and develop the activities of the SEGA One Health network. |
| Belgium, Barbados, Botswana, Burkina Faso, Djibouti, Fiji, Central African Republic |
Final Evaluation of the ACP-EU Natural Disaster Facility (2013) |
End of project evaluation of the Natural Disaster Facility (NDF) to assess the impact of the project in the short and medium term and produce lessons to be learned for future initiatives of this kind. The overall objective of the project is to improve the human security level of the populations of ACP countries and to reduce the social, economic and environmental costs of natural catastrophes with the ultimate goal of poverty reduction. The specific objective is to reinforce the capacity of preparedness to natural catastrophes by national and sub-regional ACP institutions. |
| Zimbabwe, Philippines, Nigeria, Myanmar, Belgium, Bolivia, Colombia, Georgia, Libya, Somalia, South Sudan |
Instrument for Stability (IfS) Staged Evaluations (2013) |
Provision of independent, high-quality monitoring and evaluation inputs on projects and programmes through assistance in the initial stages and real-time evaluation of IfS actions (providing assistance for conflict prevention and urgent responses to political crises and man-made or natural disasters) which fall under the remit of the Service for Foreign Policy Instruments. |
| Burundi, Senegal, Mali, Cameroon, Burkina Faso, multi- Africa |
Technical support for the development and implementation of a quality assurance approach and the integration of gender and key populations in RAF-VIH (African Network for Training on HIV) training courses (2014-2016) |
General objective of the assignment: - Help RAF-VIH to improve the integration of gender issues and key populations into its training courses. - Support RAF-VIH in the development of a quality assurance approach and accreditation system for French-speaking African training courses in the field of HIV/AIDS. Main actions: - Support to integrate the gender approach and key populations into training courses. - Support with accreditation and the quality approach. |
| South Africa, Burkina Faso |
Assessment of prescription of HIV/AIDS related drugs in developing countries. (1999-2000) |
Evaluated the selection and distribution of drugs and proposed a quantification tool for drug needs. |
| French Development Agency |
Preparation of the National Health Human Resource Development Plan (PNDRHS) (2014) |
- Analysis of the situation and identification of health human resource (HHR) problems in Madagascar. - Proposal of several scenarios in line with the State's financial capacity and training institutes’ capacity to produce HHR. - Definition of the strategic focuses of the PNDRHS and of the related components prioritised and adopted by the stakeholders. - Validation of the PNDRHS document plan by the stakeholders. - Drawing up of the first draft of the PNDRHS and dissemination to the stakeholders. |
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92-98, boulevard Victor Hugo - 92115 CLICHY Cedex - FRANCE - Tel. +
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